
Showing posts from April, 2009

Najuuuuuta kukufahamu!

Muigizaji maarufu, Joti akiwa kazini...

Halle Berry

Bibie Halle Berry hivi karibuni

Mlipuko kambini Mbagala

Habari za hivi punde kutoka kwa Mh. Emmanuel Nchimbi (Naibu Waziri wa Ulinzi na Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa) zinasema kwamba, milipuko iliyosikika ni kutoka mbagala kwenye kambi ya jeshi. Taarifa kamili zitatolewa baadae ila kwa sasa milipuko imesha-dhibitiwa na Mkuu wa Majeshi yupo eneo la tukio. Raia wote waliojikusanya makundi makundi watawanyike pamoja na wale wote walio juu ya maghorofa katika maeneo hayo washuke chini. Tutazidi kuwahabarisha kila tupatapo taarifa. Kichwangumu.



Miradi ya wizara ya ardhi inavyochochea umaskini Tanzania.

Na Chrizant Kibogoyo KUTOKANA na wabunge, madiwani na wenyeviti wa vijiji na mitaa kushindwa kutumia sheria nzuri zilzizopo kulinda maslahi ya wananchi katika ardhi, Watanzania wanatakiwa kufuata nyayo za hayati Mwalimu Nyerere aliyetangaza hadharani kumuunga mkono na kisha kumpigia kura mgombe wa NCCR Ndg Paul Ndobo kwa ajili ya Ubunge wa Jimbo la Musoma Vijijini mwaka 1995 na kumuacha mgombea wa CCM aliyekuwa na tuhuma za kufilisi ushirika. Ikiwa hayati Mwalimu Nyerere muasisi wa TANU na baadaye CCM aliweza kutambua umuhimu wa kuweka maslahi ya nchi mbele kabla ya maslahi ya chama chake cha CCM kwa kuchagua kiongozi bora na sio bora kiongozi kwa kuwa katoka CCM. Mwaka 2009 na 2010 Watanzania wanatakiwa kuamka na kutumia vyema haki zetu za kikatiba kuchagua timu ya viongozi ambao watakwenda kuweka maslahi ya taifa mbele na sio maslahi ya vyama na binafsi Bungeni. Sheria ya Ardhi namba 4 ya 1999 imeanda utaratibu muafaka na shirikishi kweli kweli wa kuingiza eneo katika MPANGO WA URASI...

Protect your car...

Njia rahisi na bora ya kulinda gari lako ki-utamaduni. Hakuna atakaye jaribu kuiba tena...

Vyakula tunavyokula vinachangia sana chemistry ya miili yetu kuhusiana na suala la hamu ya mapenzi (libido)

PILI PILI Kama tunavyojua wote mara nyingi chakula ambacho kimeungwa pilipili hufanya hata mapigo ya moyo kuwa tofauti na wakati mwingine hata jasho kutoka au kamasi kutoka. Kwenye pilipili kuna kitu kinaitwa capsaicin ambacho hufanya pilipili iwe na hali ya ukali ambao huwezesha ubongo kutoa homoni ya endorphins ambayo katika hali ya juu huleta mgusu wa hisia za raha. Pia pilipili husisimua mfumo wa ufahamu (nerves) wa ubongo na katika kufanya hivyo huwezesha kumshwa haraka kimapenzi ( kunyegeka ) na pia ili ukiguswa au kubusiwa au kunyonywa au kupapaswa uweze kupata hisia kila sehemu MATUNDA NA MBOGA ZA MAJANI. Mlo wenye matunda na mboga za majani una matokeo makubwa sana katika hamu ya tendo la ndoa kwa njia nyingi. Kwanza matunda na mboga za majani hupunguza kiwango cha mafuta na unene ( cholesterol ), kuongezeka kwa mafuta mwilini huzuia mzunguko wa damu kwa kubana mishipa ya damu. Pia kula matunda na mboga za majani huhakikisha balance ya uzito kwani unene ( ob...

Uvivuzz Concept continues...

People who do lots of work... make lots of mistakes People who do less work... make less mistakes People who do no work... make no mistakes People who make no mistakes... gets promoted That's why I spend most of my time sending e-mails & playing games at work I need a promotion.


Fuatilia huu mjadala : Kijana: Baba naomba glasi moja ya maji ya kunywa Baba: Si uchukue mwenyewe, wee kichaa nini? Kijana: Jamani baba, si nimekuomba lakini? Baba: Ukisema tena ntakuja hapo ulipo kukuzaba kibao. Kijana: Basi ukija kunizaba kibao uje na maji ya kunywa pia. Mwingine huu hapa : Daktari : Vipi nini tatizo la jicho lako? Mgonjwa: Jicho limeingiliwa na tope. Daktari: Tope? Imekuwaje? Mgonjwa: Mie naishi kwenye nyumba yenye paa la udongo, nikiwa nimejipumzisha chali sebuleni huku natizama dari mida ya mchana. Mara ghafla mvua ikaanza kunyesha na paa langu linavuja. Nikawa naona uvivu kufunga jicho tope taratibu ndiyo likajaa jichoni.

A night in Singapore for just US$1

By Neo Chai Chin, TODAY | Posted: 15 April 2009 0822 hrs SINGAPORE: A one-night stopover in Singapore for just US$1 (S$1.50), with S$10 vouchers to shop at Changi Airport and free admissions to Sentosa, the zoo and other tourist attractions to boot. As the economic crisis takes its toll on air traffic, Singapore Airlines (SIA) is teaming up with Changi Airport and the Singapore Tourism Board to give business — and tourism — a booster shot. From Tuesday until September 30, SIA customers stopping over in Singapore will pay a special rate of US$1 to US$40 for a night’s stay at selected hotels. Called the Fabulous Singapore Stopover Package, the promotion includes other goodies such as a free prepaid mobile card, free airport transfers and dining discounts. The promotion will give those already contemplating a holiday “the extra push to travel with SIA and stop over in Singapore”, said Mr Huang Cheng Eng, the airline’s executive vice-president for marketing and the regions. SIA spokesman S...

Ashitakiwa kwa kuwaambukiza ukimwi...

A CHART-TOPPING pop star in Germany's most successful girl band is facing ten years in jail over claims she infected a lover with HIV. Sexy singer Nadja Benaissa is accused of having unprotected sex with three men despite knowing she had the virus. Benaissa, 26, and her girl band No Angels — the country's answer to Girls Aloud — shot to nationwide fame after winning a TV reality show. But despite her celebrity status judges in Berlin sensationally ruled Germany's biggest media outlet Axel Springer Verlag could not cover the trial. The singer’s legal team argued coverage would breach her privacy and are now considering a request to widen the ban to all German media. Ban The ban currently covers the country’s biggest selling quality daily newspaper Bild and a host of other in-house publications. Judges have been accused of interfering in the public’s right to know. Bild editor Kai Diekmann said: “Posters of her are hanging in thousands of teenagers’ bedrooms. She is a role mo...

Warning - Attention...

Please do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car. Open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the air-conditioning after a couple of minutes. According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take note of the heated plastic Smell in your car). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia,increasing the risk of cancer. May also cause miscarriage. Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft.. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins. It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to a...

Wivu ukizidi noma...

Man in for 'concealing' ex-wife's private parts* By RABECCA THEU Chileka Police in Malawi are keeping in custody a 53-year-old man for concealing his ex-wife's private parts through magic in an effort to bar her and her current husband from having sex. Chileka Police spokesperson Stella Nkandala yesterday said the suspect, Samuel Mayinga of Malunga Village , Traditional Authority Machinjiri, Blantyre , was arrested on Wednesday last week and has been charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace. "Mayinga and his wife divorced in 1997 and the woman got married again. Mayinga has of late been pleading with the woman to take him back but she has been refusing. Then Mayinga approached a witchdoctor who gave him a concoction that made it impossible for the woman and her [new] husband to 'sleep' together," said Nkandala. She said "whenever the two wanted to have sex, the woman's private parts would go missing. This went on for a month, pr...

Namna nzuri ya kufunga tai


Wizara ya Ardhi na umaskini wa waTanzania...

Mwandishi Wetu Aprili 1, 2009 MWAKA 2009 umewadia, na hivi karibuni tutaanza kusikia tambo za wanasiasa mbali mbali wakijinadi kwa wananchi ili waweze kupigiwa kura katika chaguzi zijazo za Serikali za Mitaa na hatimaye Uchaguzi Mkuu mwakani. Moja ya silaha za wanasiasa katika kipindi hiki ni sera za vyama vyao ambazo wamezibuni ili kuwaletea wananchi maendeleo; na ndizo ambazo watakuwa wakizinadi ili kupata ridhaa ya wananchi katika maeneo husika kuongoza ili watekeleze sera walizozinadi na hatimaye wananchi wapate maendeleo. Kama wananchi watapata maendeleo au la, hilo hubaki kitendawili. Ni katika kipindi hiki ambacho utasikia wanasiasa wa kambi moja wakiwaambia wenzao wa kambi nyingine kuwa hawana sera. Ni kauli hizi ndio zimenifanya nijiulize kuna tofauti gani kati ya wanasiasa wasiokuwa na sera na wale wenye sera lakini wakisha kuchaguliwa na kushika hatamu za uongozi hawatekelezi sera walizozinadi kwa wananchi? Sera ya Uwezeshaji wa Wananchi Kiuchumi ilitolewa na Ofisi ya Waziri...

The sexy ATM...
