Tyupkin: Manipulating ATM Machines with Malware

Earlier this year, at the request of a financial institution, Kaspersky Lab's Global Research and Analysis Team performed a forensics investigation into a cyber-criminal attack targeting multiple ATMs in Eastern Europe. During the course of this investigation, we discovered a piece of malware that allowed attackers to empty the ATM cash cassettes via direct manipulation. At the time of the investigation, the malware was active on more than 50 ATMs at banking institutions in Eastern Europe. Based on submissions to VirusTotal, we believe that the malware has spread to several other countries, including the U.S., India and China. Due to the nature of the devices where this malware is run, we do not have KSN data to determine the extent of the infections. However, based on statistics culled from VirusTotal, we have seen malware submissions from the following countries: SORCE: https://securelist.com/blog/research/66988/tyupkin-manipulating-atm-machines-with-malware/