
Showing posts from December, 2010

Michigan man jailed for hacking into wife's email; says he was doing it for welfare of her child

Leon Walker found out his wife was cheating on him after hacking into her email A Michigan man faces prison time for logging into a laptop at the couple's home and reading her email. Thirty-three-year-old Leon Walker was charged with a felony after he accessed his wife Clara Walker's account and learned she was having an affair, the Detroit Free Press reported. When he saw that his wife was communicating with her second husband who had previously been arrested for beating her in front of her son, Leon Walker turned the emails over to Clara Walker's first husband and the child's father. That's when Leon Walker was charged with hacking – a statute normally used to break into highly sensitized government or business computers or systems, the newspaper reported. kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA...

e-Gov fully explained...



its like the cock is saying... " I was bruised and left for dead but here I am,   strolling steadily and ready into 2011 " so lets keep struggling for survival... that's life anyway, do we have any other option? food for thought in 2011. KICHWANGUMU.

Ndoa za watu zinavunjika sana tegeta

Na Mwandishi wetu, Tegeta. utafiti uliofanywa ndoa za watu zinavunjika sana na hata wafanyakzi wengine kupoteza pesa zao kwa utapeli uliyojitokeza tegeta kwa ndevu stand kuna kamali inayochezwa kwa mfumo wa kuwaibia wakina mama na watu wenye upeo mdogo wa kutafakari kuwa inawezekana vipi pikipiki kuinunua kwa shilingi 200? Au music system kuinunua kwa sh 500 huo mchezo uchezeshwa pale tegeta stand na wale watu wanakuwa na watu wao wenye pesa walio waandaa vyema wakicheza wao ufanikiwa kushinda bahati na sibu hiyo lakini akicheza mwingine ambaye siye wao huyo huliwa pesa zake hasa wakina mama wanaokwenda sokoni kujipatia mahitaji yao ya kila siku na ikitokea amerudi nyumbani bila mboga baba ianzishha balaa lingine kwa kuvunja uhusiano kwa hiyo tunaiomba serikali kulichunguza hili au wahusika kutusaidia kuwaondoa matapeli pale tegeta

Merry X-Mas 2010

Hi Jack...

huu muziki vipi?


What is LOVE????

A group of professional people posed this Question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined See what you think: 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.' Rebecca- age 8 'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4 'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5 'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6 'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4 'Love is when my mommy ma...

Sikukuu na vijambo vyake...

  yaelekea anasema 'Heri ya krismaaaaaaaaaas!'   madogo chakari... kama mbwai na iwe mbwai... presidaa wa US akimpa 5 mdau... 'merry x-mas brother...'

These guys from central (Kenyan Province) are genius - I agree!!

Joe Kimathi, Nairobi. Hii ni true story that took place last week in Kisauni Makaburini! A wealthy gentleman had passed on and was being buried at thekongowea cemetery in a very expensive coffin. One of the fellows at the burial estimated the coffin to be worth about 230k, and got ideas about it. He came back at mid night the same day, Exhumed the coffin and buried the body back. He then lifted the coffin and carried it away on his head.   Just as he was leaving the cemetery gates he came across four cops on patrol!   "Wewe! Umetoga wapi na unagwenda wapi na kwanini unazika watu usiku?"   "Afande..... Mimi niliambia jamaa zangu "SITAKI KUZIKWA MOMBASA"! Wanipeleke bara - KIAMBU.   Sasa leo wamenizika hapa na nimekataa, narudi kwetu!!! Before he finished, all the cops had scampered in different directions!

Report: Transplant may have cured man of AIDS

A very unusual blood transplant appears to have cured an American man living in Berlin of infection with the AIDS virus, but doctors say the approach is not practical for wide use. The man, who is in his 40s, had a blood stem cell transplant in 2007 to treat leukemia. His donor not only was a good blood match but also had a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to HIV. Now, three years later, the recipient shows no signs of leukemia or HIV infection, according to a report in the journal Blood. "It's an interesting proof-of-concept that with pretty extraordinary measures a patient could be cured of HIV ," but it is far too risky to become standard therapy even if matched donors could be found, said Dr. Michael Saag of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. kwa habari zaidi, BOFYA HAPA


  1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires. The second is full of assassins with loaded guns. The third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? 2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? 3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? 4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday? 5. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. Bu...

wajuzi mtujuze...

wajuzi na mliokuwepo eneo la tukio siku husika, mtupatie maelezo ya picha hii...

X6... Mashine ya ukweli


Tahadhari.... Holiday seasons.

15th December, Matumizi ya fujo!   27th December, mitungi kwa sana mpaka kuzimika...   2nd January, jokofu liko tupu... shilingi za kujazia hakuna!   7th January, unaanza kupiga msosi ofisini kwa bidhaa za kuchangia. maziwa ya mshikaji, maandazi ya nani sijui, nk. ilimradi siku zisogee mwisho wa mwezi ufike. home patupu!!!!  15th January, washikaji ofisini wameshaku-shtukia... udandia vijiweni sasa... kukopa kama hivyo inavyoonekana pichani. 20th January, halahala.... hata nauli sasa hakuna... tia maji tia maji mwisho wa mwezi ufike!

  Mahala pa ukweli... tafadhali usichoke kupatembelea... kama hujawahi, basi nenda nawe mmoja wao!!!! kwa data zaidi, BOFYA HAPA

Madaktari na usanii...

Camera tricks and page making...

  Dogo David akijidai baada ya kunjunga alivyoweza kunjunga... unajua kunjunga na hatua ya juu zaidi ya 'kuchakachua'! Dogo hongera kwa unjungaji...

Muga and wife...

Comarade Mugaga Mugyabuso na mkewe siku ya graduation ya IFM, wamependezaaaa.... Hongereni kwa sanaaaa!

TRA emerge winners of the 2010 AAPAM award for Innovative Management

  Participants of the AAPAM gala Dinner 2010 in a group picture...   Participants of the AAPAM gala Dinner 2010 in a group picture, madam Mary Ngelela holding the Gold Award to TRA for Innovative Management.   Madam Mary Ngelela receiving the Gold Award on behalf of TRA from the chief guest of the event H.E. Dr Zweli Lawrence Mkhize the Premier of Kwa Zulu Natal Province , from right are TRA staff Mr. Kimario and Mr. Mkindi (top and bottom)   Madam Mary Ngelela, Manager for Modernization and Project Management Programme in TRA presenting a paper on Innovative Management in TRA during the 32 nd AAPAM roundtable conference held in Durban, SA from 14-19 Nov, 2010. Her paper lead to the Gold Award for TRA. TRA participants in the presentation of the Gold award. TRA emerge the winners of the 2010 AAPAM award for Innovative Management during the 32 nd AAPAM roundtable conference held in Durban, South Africa from 14-19 Nov, 2010.  The presentation was made by H.E...

wadau wakiwa Wisconsin, USA...

  kutoka kushoto ni Deo Shillima, Jovin Shumbusho na Ande Mwaipopo   kwa juu, mpate kuona miji ilivyojengeka   hapa unaweza kuona ma-barabara yanavyoingiliana...

Merry X-Mas 2010

can any one guess where is this place????

dwarf's have their own size of cars...

  the pictures tells it all...


Na J. Shumbusho, USA. 1. If swimming is a good exercise to stay FIT, why are whales FAT? 2. Why is the place in a stadium where people SIT, called a STAND? 3. In our country, we have FREEDOM of SPEECH, then why do we have TELEPHONE BILLS? 4. If money does not grow on TREES then why do banks have BRANCHES? 5. Why does not GLUE stick to its BOTTLES? 6. Why do you still call it a BUILDING when its already BUILT? 7. If we are here to HELP  others, what are others HERE for? 8. If people are not supposed to DRINK and DRIVE why do bars have PARKING lots?