
Showing posts from May, 2012

It's not worth it to save your boss's life!!

There's this Jaga Singh who was working for a multi-millionaire as a house guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch an early morning flight to conclude a business deal, Jaga Singh ran out from the guard house and stopped the millionaire' s car just right in front of the gate. He said 'Sir...Sir.. are you going to board a plane?' 'Yes, why?' asked the millionaire. 'You had better cancel the trip. You see, last night I dreamt about the plane going to crash.' Curious over the early morning fright that Jaga Singh had given, the multimillionaire decided to cancel his trip. 'You better be damn right for this is a million dollar deal..' The following day, there were news reports that the plane which the millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crash landed. 'Thank God, I cancelled the trip,.' the rich man said Realising that what Jaga Singh had said had come true, he called the...

Muwindo mgumu kwa msimu ulioisha!

  Baada ya kurudi town bila chochote, nikalazimika kupitiliza mpaka kawe club kuitikia wito wa "nature"   Juu, kasungura kalikopatikana kwenye uwindaji wote! Chini ni barabara rasmi za porini, nyakati zingine ilitulazimu kuingiza gari machakani!   Ndinga iliyotumika....   Alfajiri yake, cheki balance kwenye "clove box" endelea... Barafu, Vinywaji na Mashine zimejilalia baada ya kukosa kazi, hawaonekani...


  For more details contact Mr. Stanley on 0713/0715 336042, 0762 442367 and 0683 086458 what a lunch...

Story of the day...

One afternoon a husband arrived home with sad news for his wife... Husband: My wife, I just received a call, mother(mama) passed away. Shall we go to town and get some necessities for the funeral? Please write a list and then we can go. Wife: A list won't be necessary, we'll just get 2 cabbages & 2 litres of cooking oil. Husband: Is it going to be enough? Wife: No need to waste money, of course it’s going to be enough! (They left for town and after getting two cabbages and 2 litres of cooking oil, the husband asked his wife again if that was all.  She emphasized the issue of not wasting money on the funeral.  They hit the road towards the village and where the road branches to different villages, the husband driving, took a turn to his wife's home) Wife: Where are we going, thought you said we are going to the funeral, your mother passed away. Husband: Yes we are; it’s YOUR mother who passed away. Wife: (shocked & crying): But that g...

Mashaka Ndonde Kazini...

  Trophy ya Impala... imependeza!   Mashaka akiwa tayari kwa kazi, wapi Baina, wapi Msukuma kamata usukani...   Checking the finishing tool! kazi ianze... akipumzika baada ya kazi... view him on facebook kwa ku-bofya hapa

ATCL yazindua safari za kutoka Dar kwenda Kilimanjaro na Mwanza leo.

  Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa ATCL, Ndugu Paul Chizi (kati) akikata utepe kuzindua safari za shirika hilo kutoka Dar kwenda Kilimanjaro na Mwanza leo kwa kutumia Boeing 737-500 inayoonekana kwa nyuma.   Ndugu Paul Chizi akikata utepe kuashiria uzinduzi rasmi wa safari hizo leo.   Nd. Paul Chizi akifurahia jambo na Nd. Fadhili Manoni (kushoto) wa TCAA na mdau mwingine wa safari za anga Tanzania (kulia) ambaye jina lake halikupatikana mara moja.   Wasafiri wakiwa safarini. Salute kutoka Jeshi la Zimamoto. Kwa habari zaidi bofya viunganishi vifuatavyo au , au na

Notice on Heart Attack...

Subject: Mayo Clinic on Aspirin - PASS IT ON    Mayo Clinic  Aspirin                         Dr. Virend  Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic,  who is lead author of the report in the July  29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the  American College of Cardiology. Most  heart attacks occur in the day, generally  between 6  A.M. and noon.  Having one during the night,  when             the heart  should be most at rest, means           that  something unusual happened. Somers and his  colleagues             have been  working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is         ...

Wadau... Naomba "story" kwa picha hii...

Nini hasa  kilitokea... kulikoni?

How the Chinese make fake eggs from chemicals...

 Be AWARE... In China there are fake schools and classes that teach a variety of blatant fraud technology, even eggs can be modulated by chemical materials, but also be able to fry cook, is currently the most popular False course. Step 1 modulation of raw materials Using 7 kinds of chemical materials, see pic below 2) Fake egg was made from calcium carbonate, starch, resin, gelatin, alum and other chemical products. Step 2 egg production, Raw egg into the mold to 2 / 3 full, put calcium chloride, colouring die, the egg appears on the film been announced. The 'yolk' is shaped in the round mould. 'Magic water' containing calcium chloride is used. By adding a yellow pigment and become raw egg yolk.. Step 3 fake egg shape In the mold into 1 / 3 raw egg white, like the first package, like dumplings into the egg yolk, egg white into another, into the magic water, a shell eggs will come slowly. Naked egg shape to 1 hour to dry af...

Bonge Nyanya...



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WHAT A COINCIDENCE... Malawi vs. Zambia.

Amazing............................   1.       Both   Dr. Kenneth Kaunda   and   Dr. Kamuzu Banda   were longest serving President's of both countries and their roots are somehow not traced from Zambia and Malawi, respectively. Both Kaunda and Kamuzu, having a common slogan of "Wamuyaya"   (Forever), had something to carry in their hands as a symbol of Authority.   2.       FTJ Chiluba, born in 1943 , took over from   Kenneth Kaunda   and   Bakili Muluzi,born in 1943 , took over from   Kamuzu Banda . Both Chiluba and Muluzi went on to seek a 3rd term of office but failed after extreme opposition to both bids.   3.         FTJ Chiluba   brought in   Levy Mwanawasa   and campaigned for him single handedly;   Bakili Muluzi   brought in   Bingu wa Mutharika   and campaigned for him single handedly   4....