Developing Capacity for young Tanzanians, by Rosemary Mwakitwange.

Dear Friend and Colleagues . I greet with you in the spirit of the Country We all Want!, Tanzania Tunayoitaka!

I am following up on the issue of youth unemployment and the idleness of some young people today. I am talking about families that find themselves with energetic young people who do not have the direction for their career simply because they failed to get the required grades for further education, and cannot get into the employment because they are too young and lack the necessary skills. This email is intended to parents and guardians like me, who are faced with this situation, are troubled with the status quo  and don't know what to do. 

Brothers and sisters, It just come to my painful confirmation that, with mass failures at secondary schools and inability of college qualification to respond to the labor market forces,  jobs will be there but for others. As an innovative thinker, and solution driven person have taken serious steps to try and provide a practical solution to this gigantic problem. I have put together a program to provide practical skills for young people at the foundation stage, to give them a reason and locust to begin thinking and planning their careers. I am talking to parents and guardians of young people who are at home today just because we can not find something for them, because they have fallen out of the formal conservative career path. They have failed to obtain pass marks that could give them a visa to secondary, higher or college education, and we never thought of a Plan B, but are waiting for someone, particularly the government (the Tanzania syndrome) to do it for us. 

Brothers and Sisters, I just realised too late (I am sure its the same with you), that unless we do it ourselves, nobody including donors and the chines can come to solve our problems. Its only when i stopped dreaming or pretending that this is not my problem, that i was able to put together my brains, knowledge, experience and understanding of the market today, to come up with that Alternative B'. This plan was guided by my innermost desire to bring value to this generation of young people and turn them into a resource, very quickly by giving their lives a' meaning'  in in productivity and output. 

As a renowned expert in communication, media and business, i realise that young people need basic skills that are visible and potentially productive, and a able to appeal to the eyes of the employers, regardless of whether they are private, public or self. The skills have to be visible, Real (not fake or perception) and be easy to be process for production quickly. This is very simple package is missing, and has to be converted. 

I have managed to develop a very simple but aggressive curriculum to address this fundamental problem. The program is organised in two parallel modules as follows:
Module 1: This module is meant for young people with with or without secondary education, regardless of their pass marks. It is appropriate for young people who are confused, worried and desperate. They have lost hope because their friend are back to school to progress with their education and career. Parents and Guardians sympathise with them but do not have a concrete solutions, cause it is nowhere to be found. They had dreams that were too linked to their continues education in a typical conservative career path model. They think all is lost for them, they are angry with their situation and cannot be trusted to sort it our on their own. We are here to work with this group for a period up to 6 months and redirect. Please see the flier for this and contact us for further discussion and confirmation. I will personally handle this class to ensure that i clone them to become even better material than their trainers (me inclusive). (see the attached flier for further information

Module 2: This second module will run for about a month. The module is targeting  senior primary and secondary schoolers on their summer holidays. for 5 days a week for 4 weeks our young ladies and gents will find meaning in programs that will exposure them, for the first time to workplace environment. This is to prepare them for their first interviews and jobs while still at school. The lessons will include workplace rules and regulations, business/professional/formal  communication, personality, management styles etc, the objective is to already prepare them to excel in the labor market and other competitions as they progress to their first jobs. Our education is lacking information and skills needed in the real world that schools do not teach. The program intends to help them with confidence building, and  take them through effective use of the many gadgets and equipments they already have, including professional photographing, creative design, etc e

As it is with all our programs, the curriculum a tailor made to resound to specific and immediate needs of the Tanzania market. We are open to discussion and guidance on how to improve the content and delivery for optimal results, for Tanzania.  

Please Note: I am talking only 15 students for module 1, and hope to expand the numbers in my next batch. Please call me for further discussion and enquiry or email me personally or through 

Thanks for your time and please go through the flier, and share your comment freely!

NB: I hope this time tutashirikiana kwa ku share information na kuwashashishi wanafunzi kuja shuleni, last time none of you did support me, you can dp it this time, unless we support our own people we won't be able to move, let us have confidence in our products and ideas.


Kiki Sire said…
Hi There! Very nice blog.......

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