Positive attitude ndio mpango mzima!

We should all know that, our mental health depends very much on what we think, take in mind and how we manage our thoughts towards achievements! the below story from a friend is very good food for thought for our mental health and success in anything we do. In short, our attitude contributes 100% in anything we achieve, whether positive or negative. Remember your mind can be programmed just like a computer software!
A number of years ago I started the mental exercise when I got up in the morning to program my mind that today was going to be an unbelievably great day. That it was going to be an outstanding day of performance, productivity, and results. From that day forward, after learning that skill, and applying that mindset, I’ve been able to hook together very good days regularly, one after the next after the next. 

I firmly believe my attitude changed so the outcome changed. It wasn’t my skill set that changed in that moment. Certainly my skills were good, but the attitude came before the skills. The attitude led to the right mental approach for the day. It even helped me work to improve my skills. The right skills with the wrong attitude won’t accomplish much. The right attitude and average skill sets can accomplish quite a bit. The right attitude and the right skills are a lethal weapon to the marketplace, when those two align (the right attitude and the right skills) then the renewed attitude for me led to tremendous growth. 

We can dominate a marketplace the way we start a day we’re going to be able to move our business, move our life forward to where we want it. If we’re going to be leaders, which each and every one of us are, we’re leading these multi-million dollar sales companies, we’re leading other salespeople, other agents, and others working cooperatively in the transactions. If we have assistants, we’re obviously leading them. If we’re going to be leaders we can only make one choice. 

We must have the right attitude. People don’t follow people with the wrong attitude. We can’t determine exactly what’s going to happen to us, we can only determine how we respond. We can influence what happens by our attitude and the activities we engage in. We can’t predetermine exactly what will happen in the future.

There’s not much difference between success and failure. There’s not a large difference, it’s a very small margin and attitude plays a very great role in the differentiation between that margin. Let me share with you an example of the difference between success and failure.

The difference between success and failure is small. It’s very close. Most of us only need to change 10 or 15 percent to lap the field. We don’t have to change 90%. But in that 10 or 15 percent, that strategic change, that’s going to make all the difference in our productivity and our quality of life.

Let me share with you the five things to change:- 

  • The first is our attitude. Making sure that our attitude is focused, and fixed on positive.
  • The second is our priorities. We all work hard, but do we really work smart. We must check to see that our priorities are aligned with our activities. 
  • We must live, eat, sleep and breathe the 80-20 rule. The 80/20 rule is the most powerful rule to live life by. It can change our income, relationships, wealth, and influence. 
  • It says 20% of the things we do will produce 80% of the results. In sales we must make sure we are qualifying and quantifying our prospects and clients. These clients and prospects must be in that 20%. We can only work with the highest priorities and highest quality prospects. 
  • We won’t get everything done daily. We must prioritize what is most important. If it’s your family, put them first.

If it’s your health, put it first. If it’s your business, put it first. Whatever it is that’s a priority make sure that you’ve got the priorities in the order you really want them. This is the source of frustration for so many people. We say that family is important, but it doesn’t show up that way in our day-timer, but trust me attitude is... 


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