
Showing posts from April, 2010

Tahadhari kwa wadau...

THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF INFTRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT TANZANIA METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY Telegrams:"METEO"DAR ES SALAAM.                                                                       Telex: 41442 HEWA Telephone: 255 (0) 22 2460718 Telefax:      255 (0) 22 2460722                                             ...

Little John's assumptions...


wadau wa ujenzi...

Kwa wajenzi na wapenzi wa ukarabati wa nyumba zao, directory ya watengenezaji na wauzaji wa mali-ghafi za ujenzi ni hii hapa " " Kazi kwenu wadau...

TID (Top in Dar)...

TID na mkewe kama ilivyoandikwa kwenye blogu yake. Kwa data zaidi, BOFYA HAPA Mashabiki kwenye moja ya maonyesho yake (juu na chini) TID amejitoa kwenye mashindano ya KILI MUSIC AWARD! kwa habari zaidi BOFYA HAPA

vichwa vya uingereza...

Paula and Peter Imafidon are just like any other 9-year-olds. They love laughing, playing on the computer and fighting with each other. What sets these twins apart from their peers, though, is that they are, hands down, prodigies who are about to enter high school and make British history as the youngest to do so. Watch Paula and Peter, who were 8 at the time, share their braininess here: These precocious London-based tykes, known as the "Wonder Twins," floored academics a year ago when they aced University of Cambridge's advanced mathematics exam. They are the youngest students to ever pass the test. The future little scholars' father, Chris, and mother, Ann, immigrated to Britain from Nigeria more than 30 years ago and have actually been down this prodigy route before with their three older children, who are also overachievers. The couple's oldest daughter, Anne-Marie, is now 20, but at age 13, she won a British government scholarship to take undergraduate cours...

Uu Mrembo Sana...Simama Tukupige Picha!

Haya ni maisha ya kawaida huko mpakani mwa sudan na Ethiopia. Hakuna anayeshangaa kitu hapo…! Huruhusiwi kumgusa binti mpaka uripoti kwenye boma la familia yao na kupata Baraka za ukoo! Habari na Picha kwa hisani ya JamiiForum.

Pete za ndoa...

Wadau, je ni lazima au kuna umuhimu pete za ndoa kuwa za dhahabu pekee? Nauliza wakuu... maana hata za fedha (silver) au shaba (bronze) zinapendeza pia kama tuonavyo pichani... nakaribisha mjadala.

Kijijini Kandahar, Afghanistan...

Kwa utaratibu na utamaduni huu. Osama Bin Laden na wenzake wapatikana kweli????

Usiweke vifupi vya majina yako... Never!

'ChemChem' ya Pesa Mkoani Ruvuma Yavuta Wengi

WAKAZI wa wilaya ya Songea mkoani Ruvuma wamekuwa wakikesha wilayani humo usiku na mchana wakisubiria pesa zinazotoka chini ya mti mithili ya chemchem. Baadhi ya Wakazi wa mji huo inasemekana waligundua maajabu hayo kwenye mti huo na baada ya wakazi hao kuanza kujizolea pesa toka kwenye mti huo habari ghafla zilisambaa mkoani Ruvuma kuwa kuna mti una chemchem ya pesa. Ilidaiwa kuwa wakazi hao walipokuwa wakipita chini ya mti huo waliona pesa zikitoka chini ya mti na pamoja na kustaajabishwa na tukio hilo wakazi hao waliamua kuzichukua pesa hizo. Taarifa zaidi zilisema kwamba kwa muda wa siku mbili mfulululizo wakazi wa wilaya ya Songea waliendelea kuziokota pesa zilizokuwa zikitoka kwenye mti huo. Pesa hizo inadaiwa zilikuwa zikitoka mithili ya chemchem zikiwa ni noti tofauti tofauti zikiwemo na noti za shilingi elfu kumi, tano na kadhalika. Baadhi ya watoto waliowahi kuhojiwa na mwakilishi wetu wa nifahamishe kutoka eneo la tukio, watoto hao walidai kuwa walishajizolea p...

Art of accidents...



Na Mwandishi wetu Dar es salaam While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father..... with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions..... . sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide. . . Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life & remember this: Things are to be used and people are to be loved. The problem in today's world is that people are used while things are loved. Let...

Nigerian Debt Collectors

Utalipa au hulipi?

Office Stresses...

Quote of the day...

In the morning don't eat until your body is wide awake, leave at least an hour between waking up and eating. Never start a day with a stimulant (i.e. tea, coffee or a cigarette) because it inhibits digestion. In the evening, leave at least 2 hours between finishing dinner (or super) and going to sleep. By Patrick Holford, Nutritionist.

watani wa jadi...

This was simply too much of a time saver not to share it with you. 1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl. 2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom. 3. In one smooth movement put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid. 4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this. 5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'power-wash' and rinse'. 6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door. 7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid. 8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off. 9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean. Yours Sincerely, The Do...

Unspoken communication...


Today's quote...
