
Showing posts from September, 2010

Taarifa za msiba...

Kwa masikitiko makubwa nawataarifu msiba mkubwa tulionao leo. Ndugu yetu, mpendwa wetu, mwenzetu kwenye TEKNOHAMA na mdau mkubwa wa tafiti mbali mbali za TEKNOHAMA Kaka Andrew dACHI amefariki leo asubuhi nyumbani kwake Fransic Town, Botswana.  Kwa sasa sina la ziada, ila tutaendelea kupeana taarifa kadri zitakavyotufikia.  Tunaungana na familia yake, ndugu, jamaa na marafiki katika kipindi hiki kigumu cha majonzi na maombolezo, kumwomba Mungu aiweke roho ya marehemu mahala pema peponi, wakati taratibu za mazishi zinafanyika.  Bwana alitoa, nae ametwaa. Jina lake lihimidiwe. tunaweza kujikumbusha moja ya kazi zake kwa kufungua ' /' email yake ilikuwa ' '

Guilda Ayoub's story about Jesus Crist

These are the pictures of Guilda Ayoub, a 16-year-old girl from 'Imar' village situated near Zgharta, North Lebanon ..   Guilda watched the film of 'Passion of the Christ ' on Good Friday on 06/04/2007, and before she went to sleep she was telling her mum that she doesn't believe that Jesus has passed through all that pain.   That night she dreamt of having a cross on her hand but the next day she woke up, did not have anything on her hand.   She went to school and as she was telling her friend about it, she felt something pulling her hand backwards and putting it on the wall behind her.   Her hand was stuck on the wall and no one could take it off.. After a while when she took off her hand,   a cross was printed on her hand with a wound in the middle as if there was a nail taken out of her.   Blood tests were done for her and the blood that was coming out of her hand has no blood group.   Also there was oil on her hand..   Saint ...

The Next CEO story...

A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together. He said, 'It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you.‘ The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. 'I am going to give each one of you a SEED today - one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO.' One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had ...

Quote of the Day...

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." -- Henry Ford , Industrialist

Today's JOKE... I knew it...

T here was a Zambian girl who got married to a Chinese man, after two months in the new marriage she got pregnant and duly bore a baby girl who died; the Aunt at the funeral came crying. ` I KNEW IT, `I KNEW IT, `I KNEW IT, `I KNEW IT, So close relatives got curious, took the Aunt on the side and in a quest to establish what she knew. Then she said loudly, ` I KNEW IT, THAT CHINESE PRODUCTS DON'T LAST!!!!!!

How stressed can it be...

A beautiful girl asks you for a ride home. On the way she faints and you take her to hospital. The doctor says; Congratulations! !!!. You are going to become a father; THAT'S IT. YOU GET  STRESSED . You say; But that baby is not mine; The girl says; he is the father of my baby; YOU  GET  MORE  STRESSED . …and to prove your innocence demand a DNA test.  The police arrive, and a DNA test is done. The report comes in   according to   which you are infertile and can never become a father. WHAT?  YOU GET   EVEN MORE  STRESSED! . Anyhow you thank God that this ordeal is over, and start driving home. ............ .. And then you start thinking; At home I already have 2 kids. Whose are those???? NOW THAT’S WHAT REAL   STRESS   ACTUALLY IS!!!!!

Ni kama wanasema...


Mrembo wa wiki hii...

Prisca, Miss Kili wakati fulani.

Small Utility Vehicle... SUV

Two old guys talking. One said to the other: "My 85th birthday yesterday. Wife gave me an SUV". Other guy: "Wow, that's amazing! Imagine, an SUV! What a great gift!" First guy: "Yup. Socks, Underwear and Viagra!"

Mhindi amfanya mama wa kitanzania kama mtumwa Uingereza

A retired doctor held a slave in her suburban home for four years, a court was told yesterday. Saeeda Khan, 68, is accused of making Mwanahanisi Mruke work up to 24 hours a day cleaning, cooking and gardening. She fed her scraps of bread and made her sleep on a thin mattress on the kitchen floor with only a sheet for warmth, it was alleged. Khan and her late husband, who was also a doctor, allegedly paid Miss Mruke just £10 a month – a low salary even in Tanzania, the African country they brought her to Britain from in 2006. Miss Mruke, 46, had all her calls monitored and was not allowed to leave the £500,000 home in Harrow, North West London, without Khan, Westminster magistrates heard. ‘She lived in extremely poor conditions for a number of years,’ prosecutor Malachy Pakenham told the hearing. Additional payments of £40 a month were meant to go to a bank in Tanzania to pay for Miss Mruke’s daughter’s education, but much of this was never received, the court heard. Khan, a British...

Complain from Mobile User...

Ujumbe huu hapo chini na picha ni kutoka kwa mdau wetu, nimeuweka kama ulivyo... someni na tusubiri wataalamu watafanya nini... kama ni kweli... TUMEKWISHA!!!! utajuaje namba hii ni soo??? Hi everyone,   I receive the complain that the above number called our customer XXXXXXXXXX, when the customer pick the call the customer just receive a voice said ‘ASANTE NDUGU MTEJA’!! After that  felled down, her husband took her to the hospital. Then after reach the hospital the woman was already paralyzed all her right size i.e right hand and foot.     The attached doc is the picture of the customer who is now at Kitete Hospital Tabora..   Can someone follow up these issues in deep??  IT people what are you saying on this??. It seems to be serious,   our customer are so scared  as a result they will stop using our lines.   Good evening Kutoka kwa wadau husika wa kampuni za simu... TCRA mpo???? kuna ukweli wowote hapo???? it scares a lot... tu...

Namna ya kulala saa za kazi...

kuna msemo unasema "iga ufe" mwisho wa kunukuu...

Roberto Carlos wonder goal, 'no fluke'!!!

By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC News   Pundits said Carlos's goal against France had "defied physics" Physicists have explained one of football's most spectacular goals. Brazilian Roberto Carlos's 1997 free-kick against France curved so sharply that it left goalkeeper Fabian Barthez standing still and looking puzzled. Now, a study published in the New Journal of Physics suggests that the long-held assumption that the goal was a fantastic fluke is wrong. A French team of scientists discovered the trajectory of the goal and developed an equation to describe it. They say it could be repeated if a ball was kicked hard enough, with the appropriate spin and, crucially, the kick was taken sufficiently far from goal. Roberto Carlos scored his wonder goal during the inaugural match of the Tournoi de France, a friendly international football tournament that was held in France ahead of the 1998 World Cup. Follow the curve   Many pundits ref...

How to stop a Gossiper...

By JJ Senior, DSM. Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members did not approve of her extra- curricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused Frank, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon. She emphatically told Frank (and several others) that every one seeing it there would know what he was doing! Frank, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing... Later that evening, Frank quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house... walked home... and left it there all night. BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR COMMENTS...

Tajiri kanunua Mbuzi...

Tajiri kanunua mbuzi! Akamwambia mpishi! Nyama nusu ipike pilau na nyingine itie kwenye friza! Kichwa fanya supu na miguu fanya mchuzi chukuchuku! Ngozi usitupe tutafanya mswala, utumbo pika na ndizi! Na mifupa tutawauzia wenye mbwa!   Mpishi akamuliza: “Hutaki na sauti ya mbuzi tufanye ring tone kwenye simu yako?”

Happy Birthday Young Bro...

Leo dogo langu lina-sherehekea siku yake ya kuzaliwa, Happy Birthday David Mosha.... hapa akiwa mzigoni. Mwenyewe hapendi mwajiri wake atajwe... tunamweka kapuni. Madai yake huo ni uzi wake... Hapa akiwa kwenye moja ya kazi zake za nje ya ofisi kuongeza kipato... dogo anapigisha muziki "dj"

Hahahaaa, this is a good one!

kuna usemi kwamba, "mwanamke mwerevu huijenga nyumba yake naye mjinga huibomoa" hebu mtujuze wenye uzoefu... maana haka ka-day care center nimekapenda!!!! DUH...

Je umefika???? au bado juhudi hazitoshi...

By Liu, Rombo . Six Signs that you have made it to the middle class Not so long ago, most people viewed the hallmarks of success as something along the lines of a house, a white picket fence, two week vacation, two children and the ability to send those kids to college. Today, the middle class is a vanishing breed according to nearly every survey and statistic on the topic. Despite all of the attention to the subject, defining "middle class" remains a challenge, as everyone wants to be in the middle regardless of their income. Instead of focusing on the ‘dough’, let's take a look at the lifestyle benchmarks that define middle class status. Have you made it to the Middle? A wide variety of numbers have been thrown around in an effort to define the middle. People earning 20% of the average income and people earning 80% all claim to be part of the middle class. More than a few millionaires make the claim too. While there is no official financial standard, the middle cla...