
Showing posts from October, 2011

Tips za kuzingatia wakati unanunua computer mpya

Before purchasing you will need to decide upon your choice of components and what the main purpose of your PC will be. Is this PC going to be for general family use, perhaps surfing the Internet and sending emails etc or are we talking about a high-end spec computer? Maybe you want to play the latest games or are planning to make home movies and do lots of video editing? Obviously you don’t want spend more than you have to and it would be pointless to pay for features that you do not require. To help you in choosing a new computer presented below are some suggested PC specifications at the time of writing (2010) for various intended uses. Now, before we look at this, which processor are you planning to use, AMD or Intel? Both companies offer processors with similar performance and a large variety of specification options and jostle for position in the performance stakes. Obviously, there is a phenomenal price difference here between the low and high end for both manufactu...

I wonder why Libyans & NATO Killed Gadafi...

Zimmetro — The media has successfully painted Gaddafi as a hard-core dictator, tyrant whatever you want to call him. However, the media as usual has also failed to show the kind, giving Gaddafi we never heard of. Gaddafi unlike most dictators I will refrain from naming them has managed to show his humane side, the very side we dream of seeing in other dictators who just talk and talk. I consider Libyans lucky to a certain extent and one wonders with the new democratic rule they cry for will it improve or worsen life for them. Yes, Gaddafi has spent millions of Libya`s money on personal ventures but is the average Libyan poor? We know others who take a country and destroy it until you feel like there is no hope of restoring this country… looting some prefer to call it. Did Gaddafi loot Libya in any way? Now let us get to the unknown facts about the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi: 1. There is no electricity bill in Libya ; electricity is free for all its citizens...

Bandari Salama enzi za mwalimu

  Wadau hebu mtuambie hii ilikuwa wapi? maana hako kamsitu ka mti na majani kushoto kwa picha hii naamini kabisa katakuwa kamebadilika kabisa ... ama hapo penyewe, ama majengo ya jirani! Panataka kufanana na kituo cha basi mnazi mmoja kutokea "Clock Tower" hivi...   Samora avenue na Azikiwe Street. Kipindi hicho bado "pollution" ya sementi haija-changanya...   Usafiri wetu UDA... umeadimika sana siku hizi!   Kama naiona Azania Front kwa mbaaliii! au??? Pijo ikiwa barabarani. Kuna baadhi ya maeneo ya Jamhuri wa Muungano wa Tanzania, hizi gari bado zinapiga kazi kama kawa...

Mh. Rais Jakaya M. Kikwete

Mkuu wetu wa kaya akiagwa na mhudumu wa hoteli aliyofikia wakati akiwa na ziara ya kikazi nchini marekani hivi karibuni. Kushoto ni Mh. Bernard Membe (Waziri wa mambo ya nje) na nyuma ya mhudumu ni wasaidizi wa Mh. Jakaya M. Kikwete. Zaidi ya maelezo hayo niliyotoa, unaweza kupata maelezo gani ya ziada? Nasubiri maoni. 

Vibosile nao...


Why the West wants the fall of Gaddafi? An analysis in defense of the Libyan rais

article in defense of Qaddafi development in africa Gaddafi's works in africa interests behind the conflict in Libya positive actions to Gaddafi reasons for the conflict in Libya war in lybia Analysis by Jean-Paul Pougala – Africans should think about the real reasons why western countries are waging war on Libya, writes Jean-Paul Pougala, in an analysis that traces the country’s role in shaping the African Union and the development of the continent . It was Gaddafi’s Libya that offered all of Africa its first revolution in modern times – connecting the entire continent by telephone, television, radio broadcasting and several other technological applications such as telemedicine and distance teaching. And thanks to the WMAX radio bridge, a low cost connection was made available across the continent, including in rural areas. It began in 1992, when 45 African nations established RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communication Organization) so that Afri...

Kagua picha hii...

Baada ya ukaguzi yakinifu, tafadhali iwekee maneno picha hii!

Akili M-Badala...

  Kama ni daraja bovu, basi una-adjust kwa muda...   kama ni swimming pool, pia tuna-adjust kimtindo... unacheka nini sasa?   unampenda sana dogi wako na hana nafasi kwenye gari... tuna-adjust... kama kawa!   kausingizi ka mchana baada ya wali harage na maji kubwa... tuna-adjust kwa muda!   bomba nalo likileta zengwe... tuna-adjust! mkono unachoka kushika kipanya... tuna-adjust... sasa tufanyaje? kama hakuna jeki na tairi lazima itoke, tuna-adjust kipande cha mti na maisha mswano!

