
Showing posts from September, 2011

MBA (Mentally Below Average) Management Lessons for you...

LESSON 1 A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears. The ghost says, "Normally, one is granted three wishes but as you are three, I will allow one wish each" So the eager senior manager shouted, "I want the first wish. I want to be in the Bahamas , on a fast boat and have no worries." Pfufffff... And he was gone. Now the junior manager could not keep quiet and shouted "I want to be In Florida with beautiful girls, plenty of food and cocktails." Pfufffff¡-. And he was also gone. The boss calmly said, "I want these two idiots back in the office after lunch at 12.35pm." MORAL OF THE STORY IS: "ALWAYS ALLOW THE BOSS TO SPEAK FIRST" LESSON 2 Standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand, "Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important documen...

Asian family in transit...

Kama ni kubana matumizi wamefanikiwa, lakini usalama hapo ni sifuri (zero!) hawa jamaa bana...

Springbok appears in the Guiness World Records...


Tanzania Zinduka: Utapeli mpya kwa wamiliki wa nyumba Bongo...

Stori kutoka JamiiForum  Nimekutana na habari kuwa upo utapeli wa aina yake ambao umeshawaliza watu wachache. Unahusiana na kundi linalokuja kwa lengo la kuja kupangisha nyumba na kufanya mambo lukuki hasa kwa watu wenye nyumba mpya. Mtu mmoja amesimulia hivi: Quote: Mmh ndugu zangu ni kwel hawa matapeli mimi mwenzenu nimeuvaa mkenge Morogoro na niliona ni wahitaji wa nyumba kweli na modus operandi waliyoitumia ni hiyo ya kuhonga TRA ILI MALIPO YAWAHI Wanatumia namba 0758409096 na 0682768889 ni vyema watu wa usalama waingilie kati asante kwa kunifumbua macho na masikio kwani nilikuwa naendelea kufanya nao mawasiliano Na mwingine akadokeza Quote: jamani yamenikuta ni juzi walikuja kwenye eneo langu chanika ila sikufikia hatua ya kutoa hela walikuwa bado wapo kwenye mawasiliano na wakaniambia niende posta wamenitumia mkataba wa vitu wanayohitaji jamni tuweni mamcho m...


Hii hapa ndio ndege yenyewe na mahali ilipoangukia baada ya injini zake kuzima ghafla. Ni Ndege ambayo ni mali ya kampuni ya Kapunga Rice huko Mbeya. KICHWANGUMU Blog Tunawapa pole wote waliopatwa na tatizo hili, kwa taarifa tulionaza hamna mtu aliyepoteza maisha wote wametoka salama ni mmoja tu alipata majeraha madogo. MUNGU IBARIKI TANZANIA Taarifa hii tumeipata kutoka mbeyayetu Blog NA KAPINGAZ BLOG

Kiwango cha elimu kitakua kweli?!?!?!?1,....

Wanafunzi wa darasa la saba wakiwa katika mtihani wao wa mwisho kumaliza elimu ya msingi! Hivi wadau, jiulizeni... watoto hawa walisomea wapi? walikuwa na mafunzo kwa vitendo? walipata vitabu na maktaba ya kusomea? maana darasa lao la kufanyia mtihani wa mwisho ni ishara kwamba hapo kiwango cha elimu kinatia shaka! TAFAKARI...



Afrika tutaibiwa mpaka lini? Tuamke jamani...

The French are torn between revulsion and disbelief over claims that ex-President Jacques Chirac and his ally Dominique de Villepin received tens of millions of dollars in bundles of banknotes from several African leaders. The allegations are made in an extraordinary newspaper interview with the man who, for many years, acted as an unofficial intermediary between the Elysee palace and African governments. Robert Bourgi, a 66-year-old lawyer, claims in Le Journal du Dimanche that in Mr Chirac's 2002 re-election campaign he personally passed on cash contributions worth millions of dollars. The money allegedly came from the leaders of five African countries, all former French colonies: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon. Later, the president of the former Spanish colony of Equitorial Guinea also allegedly made payments. Mr Bourgi claims that Mr de Villepin - who was Mr Chirac's cabinet secretary, then for...

In Loving memory of my dad... 17 years now! Just like yesterday.

Alfred S. S. Mosha (Kipoo) 3 rd March 1944 – 2 nd September 1994 Time flies, days go by… it’s like you were here only yesterday. But the yesterdays have piled up, its now seventeen years (17) since you left us to be with The Lord in his beautiful garden. Though you are gone, through prayers we have great hope. Your legacy will always remain with us in the memories we hold. And in the hope we trust, With God’s Grace we continue to overcome the Myriad of events and emotions. You were the teacher, the mentor, the role model… may the Peace of God that passes all understanding be with you and with us. The youngest child you left was in standard three but today he has graduated and working as a banker. Dearly missed by your wife Julie, Children Inno, David (Bob), Albert (Solo), Anna (Roselyn), Doreen and all others in the family and friends. A memorial service will be held at Ubungo riverside, Boko, and Marangu-Masia on 4 th September 2011. All friends, relatives and the ...

Baadhi ya vitambulisho vya Hayati Alfred S. S. Mosha (1944 - 1994)

R.I.P Alfred S. S. Mosha Kitambulisho hichi cha juu ni cha "Deputy Chief Commissioner" wa Tanzania Boy Scout. Wakati huo Chief Commissioner alikuwa Marehemu Mzee Ngonyani. Maskauti wa enzi hizo tunawakumbuka sana hawa. Cha chini ni cha Umoja wa Wazazi wa CCM. Hayati Alfred S. S. Mosha alikuwa "comrade" machachari wa CCM   R.I.P Alfred S. S. Mosha