
Showing posts from January, 2013


Johnny Walker - Black  !!!!!!

One Day, Major Apostle Dr Mukhwiri was with a women’s congregation and he asked them:

Major Apostle (question:           Can those with husbands raise up their hands? Ladies:                                                  (They all raised their hands). Apostle (question):                         How many of you love their husbands Ladies:                                                  (They all raised their hands) Apostle (question):                        Are you sure ladies before God? Can I prophesy? Ladies:                                             ...


Watoto wa leo...

Poor Daddy and Rich Daddy Comments...

S/No. POOR DADY COMMENTS RICH DADY COMMENTS 1 Work for a corporation Own the corporation 2 Be a smart person Know how to hire smart people 3 The Love of Money is the root of all evil The lack of Money is the root of all evil 4 I can't afford it How can I afford it? 5 The Rich should pay more in taxes to take care of those less fortunate. Taxes punish those who produce and reward those who don't produce 6 Study hard so you can find a good company to work for. Study hard so you can find a good company to buy 7 I'm not rich because I have you kids. I must be rich because I have you Kids. 8 When it comes to money, play it safe. Don't take risks When it comes to money, Learn to manage risks. ...

Barack and Michelle Obama's Family

  Best couple...   A happy family... from

Let's implement the tips in 2013. May God bless us all...


Kwa matumaini makubwa... Karibu 2013.


Matukio katika picha during festive season...


Gopal story...

Gopal goes to the Post Office to apply for a job.   The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?"   He replies, "Yes - coffee."   "Have you ever been in the military service?   "Yes," he says, "I was in Iraq for two years."   The interviewer says, “That will give you 5 extra points towards employment."   Then he asks, “Are you disabled in any way?"   Gopal says, “Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both of my testicles."   The interviewer grimaces and then says, "O.K. You've got enough points for me to hire you right now. Our normal hours are from 8:00 A.M. To 4:00 P.M. You can start tomorrow from 10:00AM every day."   Gopal is puzzled and asks, "If the work hours are from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., why do you want me to start here from10:00 A.M.?"   "This is a government job," the inter-viewer says, "For the first two hours, w...

Kampala buses...


Je tutafika?


Good memories...

  A menu in one of the Mexican Restaurants...   With friends after dinner...   During dinner...

Never judge by appearance... Happy New Year 2013!

Don’t look at what was not done for you during the year but focus on what God has made you to be, healthy, with a family, a place to report for work, friends, another new day…The list is endless, we all have our unique cases. Wishing you a prosperous new year 2013, crowned with Gods blessings packaged and designed just for you.

Prophet T. B. Joshua predictions for 2013

For those of you who are into predictions. Here's another one from Prophet T. B. Joshua. He has released his seven predictions for 2013. See it below...  1. A year of surprises – I am seeing many great, famous, popular and rich men and politicians will become helpless and in need of help in matters of sickness, disease, finances, death, etc. One of the causes: They have failed to reward those who helped them to succeed. This is the year of judgment, especially for politicians who use youth to support their political ambitions without reward after winning power. Tell your neighbor  Reward those who help you succeed now. 2. Those in the foodstuff business will have a field day this year. Farming and agriculture will be the order of the day and will help greatly to be the source of solution this year. People engaged in it will be greatly blessed.  3. Those anxious about God and who hate sin – the faithful – your prayers for many years are not lost. This...

1st one home wins...


Big up TZ... from our neighbour who was here for festive season!

I recently did a road trip from our Nairoberry to Dar n twas a trip to remember, damn!,journey started @ 7am n by 9:30 was @ Namanga after an hour I was cleared by both customs n I hit e road, road network in tz s excellent kudos, jus bfo arusha I was stopped by traffic police asked fo my passport n ish bt he was very friendly speaking excellent swahili,  on reaching arusha I mistook MT meru for MT Kilimanjaro hehe, had lunch, drove around n proceeded to moshi wea I spent e night most hotels were full btw, next day e real journey began, e drive from moshi to dar s sooo long was doing 160 kmh bt still e car wasn't going anywhere,  was stopped severally by traffic fo overspeeding dudes got speedguns n ey dressed in white Lol in kenya only navy soldiers dress in white, reached dar @ around 4,n got a friendly guy by the name of adriano who showed me around, fell in love wit Dar, friendly n welcoming people,  beautiful city n even mo beautiful women unlike our ken...