One Day, Major Apostle Dr Mukhwiri was with a women’s congregation and he asked them:

Major Apostle (question:           Can those with husbands raise up their hands?
Ladies:                                                  (They all raised their hands).
Apostle (question):                         How many of you love their husbands
Ladies:                                                  (They all raised their hands)
Apostle (question):                        Are you sure ladies before God? Can I prophesy?
Ladies:                                                 Yes!!!
Apostle (question):                        When did you last tell your husbands that “you love him "
Ladies:                                (Various answers but some of them said)- “today when leaving the house”, “last night”, "when we went to bed”, “This    morning when I woke up”,
Apostle:                               Each one of you should send a message “ I love you” to your husband  now.
Ladies:                                                  They all sent the test message “I love you”

Apostle:                               Exchange your phones
Ladies:                                  They all exchanged their phones

Apostle:                               Read out loud the replies from the husbands.

Here are the replies to the messages from their husbands:
1.      Is this message lost???
2.        Aaaah who is this????
3.        Am I dreaming??
4.        What is the matter!!??
5.        What do you mean!!!!??????
6.        Could it be that you need money???!!?
7.        Did you smash my car?????
8.        The message should be sent back to the intended owner!!!!
9.        To hell!!!!!!!!!
10.      I will you beat you to death today until you tell me to whom the message was intended!!!!!!


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