
Showing posts from December, 2009

Changes… a positive change, yes we can.

We are about to close the chapters in 2009, and start a new year 2010 in few days to come. You can ask yourself, what have you done in 2009? Some will compliment themselves with different achievements as meet deadlines, meet goals and objectives etc etc. But if you analyze how you achieve these deadlines, goals and objective you will understand where you went wrong and what changes that you need to do for the future. Today I will discuss with you generally about changes that we need to do to our lives, and change the way we use to leave. It is my dream that this change will affect positively your life as a person, as a family, as a society and eventually the whole nation. We should all think of this positively and bring some serious change to ourselves. We need these changes in our life in every stage. In our offices, businesses, families, societies and the nation as a whole. We all know ourselves and how capable we are, what we can do right, what we can do wrong, and what we ...

Njia mbadala... Zipo!


Mexican navy kills top drugs cartel kingpin in shootout

By OSWALD ALONSO and ALEXANDRA OLSON, Associated Press Writers Oswald Alonso And Alexandra Olson, Associated Press Writers – 53 mins ago CUERNAVACA, Mexico – Two hundred sailors raided an upscale apartment complex and killed a reputed Mexican drug cartel chief in a two-hour gunbattle, one of the biggest victories yet in President Felipe Calderon's drug war. Arturo Beltran Leyva (pictured left), the "boss of bosses," and three members of his cartel were slain in the shootout Wednesday in Cuernavaca, just south of Mexico City, according to a navy statement. A fifth cartel member committed suicide during the shootout. Cartel gunmen hurled grenades that injured three sailors, the navy said. An Associated Press reporter at the scene heard at least 10 explosions. During the gunbattle, sailors went door-to-door to evacuate residents of the apartment complex to the gym, according to a woman who said she was speaking by cellphone to her husband i...

Obama na Berlusconi...

Raisi Barack Obama wa Marekani akiteta na waziri mkuu wa Italia Silvio Berlusconi. hapa ni ndani ya 'oval' office Washington DC. picha hii ni ya siku za nyuma wakati Berlusconi akiwa ziarani Marekani kabla ya tukio la kupigwa hivi karibuni.

Berlusconi story...

Na David 'Bob' Mosha ,  DSM. Daktari anayemtibu Waziri Mkuu wa Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, amesema kuwa waziri huyo kwa sasa hawezi kuruhusiwa mpaka angalau Jumatano. Pia ameeleza kuwa waziri huyo ameweza kula japo kwa shida. Berlusconi, mwenye umri wa miaka 73, alipata jeraha puani, kuvunjwa meno mawili na jeraha mdomoni baada ya kushambuliwa kwa kutumia sanamu moja lenye umbo la Kanisa Kuu la mjini Milan. Bwana Massimo Tartaglia, 42 anashikiliwa kuhusika na tukio hilo. Zifuatazo ni picha za tukio hilo lilivyokuwa: Massimo Tartaglia (mtuhumiwa) akimshambulia waziri huyo. “Bwana mkubwa” alikuwa hivi baada ya kipondo kutoka kwa Massimo. Mtuhumiwa akiwa “mtu kati” kuzuia kushushiwa kichapo na raia wenye hasira. Kigogo huyo wa kitaifa akiweweseka baada ya kukumbana na dhoruba hiyo. Berlusconi akipewa huduma ya kwanza kabla ya kukimbizwa hospitali kwa matibabu zaidi.   Hii ndiyo sanamu aliyogongwa nayo kigogo huyo baada ya kushambuliwa na Massimo. Askari wa...

mijamaa ikichoka...

wadada kuweni makini... x-mas ndio hiyo njiani, mtashinda sana nyumbani kwa mliopo likizo...

Microsoft researcher 'Gordon Bell' converts his brain into 'e-memory'

researcher Gordon Bell has been moving the data from his brain onto computers -- where he knows it will be safe. Gordon Bell wearing a SenseCam, which automatically reco...

Attacker hurls statuette, bloodies Berlusconi face

ROME – An attacker hurled a statuette at Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi (pictured in his car) , striking the leader in the face at the end of a rally Sunday and leaving the stunned 73-year-old media mogul with a broken nose and bloodied mouth. Police said the 42-year-old man accused of attacking Berlusconi as he signed autographs in Milan was immediately taken into custody. The Italian leader was rushed to a hospital where he was being held overnight. The attack occurred at a time when Berlusconi, one of Italy's wealthiest men, is embroiled in a sex scandal, a divorce case with his wife and public protests demanding his resignation. TV showed the stunned leader with blood under his nose, on his mouth and under one eye as he was lifted to his feet by aides after Sunday's attack. He was hustled into the back of a car, but he immediately got out, apparently to show he was not badly injured. But Berlusconi suffe...

Tiger Woods taking 'indefinite' leave from golf

By DOUG FERGUSON, AP Golf Writer Doug Ferguson, Ap Golf Writer Tiger Woods is shifting his focus from winning majors to saving his marriage. Two weeks after Woods crashed his SUV into a tree outside his Florida home, setting in motion a swift fall that featured reports of rampant extramarital affairs, golf's biggest star delivered a stunning development of his own. He temporarily is walking away from the game that made him the first $1 billion athlete. "After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf," Woods said Friday evening on his Web site. "I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father, and person." It will be the second straight year that the No. 1 player was on the sidelines. A year ago, he missed eight months while recovering from reconstructive surgery on his left knee. Th...

The Boss alarm... Kali sana.

Honey moon couples...

Picha hii nzuri sana...


tujikumbushe kidogo... kutoka kushoto aliyetupa mgongo (anayeonekana kwa ubavu) ni Nassoro Siriwa, akifuatiwa na Francis Kassidi, Solly Brown, na Freddy Mkinga. Hapa ilikuwa kwenye harusi ya mdau mwingine Joachim Mella pale Makuti hall Msasani Beach Club. Wadau mpo... ni kipindi kidogo.

Marriage, how they comment...

After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. Al Gore By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them. Mike Tyson The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want? George Clooney I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. Bill Clinton "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." George W. Bush "I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years." Rudy Giuliani "There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage." Michael Jordan "I...

Wapare kwa ubahili...

Mpare mmoja akiwa katika shughuli zake za kawaida nyumbani kwake, ghafla akaporomoka kutoka ghorofani. Kabla hafika chini akampigia kelele mkewe akisema "MAMA NATUJWA, USIPIKE LEO. NITAKULA HOSPITALI.' DUH!!!!

Ngorongoro crater na ukame...

Fisi akitanua ndani ya maeneo yake ya kujidai kwenye hifadhi ya Ngorongoro crater, unaweza kujionea jinsi ukame ulivyoikumba crater yetu. Ni hali ya hatari sana. Tuzingatie maadili ya utunzaji mazingira na upandaji miti. Picha ya chini anaonekana 'mdudu' Ngiri akitafuta chakula, sasa sijui hapo anakula udongo au ndo kudunduliza majani? Hapa ndio getini, ukitoka hapa kuna urefu kiasi na kuingia crater. kwa watalii tuu tunajitahidi, ila tunahitaji kuongeza badii ili tutambulike zaidi na kuzuia watani wetu kujineemesha kwa vyanzo vyetu.

Tafadhali 'enjoy life'


Vacation... Utah

Wadau waki-ingia ndani ya mgahawa wa ki-mexicani ndani ya Utah... Aina ya vyakula vilivyomo ndani ya mgahawa huo... Binafsi, nilivutiwa sana na chakula hiki. Najua wabongo wengi wangekipenda, kwa kweli ni kitamu sana.

Mexican Restaurant in Utah...

Hapa wanatangaza 'menu' ya siku. inaitwa 'coconut strimp tacos' na nyuma ni mdada akiwa bize kuandaa maakuli. wahudumu wa sehemu ya malipo... Kichwangumu nikiwa na baadhi ya wadau kutoka bongo katika 'vacation' hiyo.