Conspiracy behind EAC political federation, TZ Watch out...

Na mwandishi wetu, JamiiForum
When I was told this story in 2009 when I was studying in Germany by fellow classmate from Uganda thought it was wrong and jokes. Now I believe the story and I think it’s high time to share with you my fellow Tanzanians to know the truth on the hypocrisy and conspiracy going on EAC 

The story is, among of the proposal to solve the problem of land in Kenya which is still hot up to now was to outsource some Kenyans in other parts of East African states, in this issue Tanzania was the first target. This was also shared by authorities in Uganda who received it as it had no problem. There was competing argument on this as some high profile official was provocative on issues arguing that Kenyans elite will be pushed away to other states deliberately by state policies. They concluded with the following three road map. 

1. K
enya has to push for East Africa political federation as early as possible by 2016. In this federation land ownership must be included as more efficient as it could be 

After political Federation Kenya must push on other East African to adopt duo nationality or multiple nationalities. To make sure that this is well implemented Kenya had to adopt duo nationality clause in its constitution to assure trust from other members. On duo nationality it was agreed to make sure that Kenya conspire with influential politician in Tanzania for the promise of back up if they will wish to contest presidential post in future election. This issue was shared by some ambitious politicians in Tanzania and if you have seen the trend you will see how it goes on. 

After implementing the above Kenyans will be encouraged to save at home or to harvest in neighboring states and save at home, with favorable save at home bank regulations. 

This is a story and I am sure up to now you will be able to grasp how the trend goes on and especially on who are the politicians who conspired on this issue. For information this issue is not new to most influential Tanzania politicians. Watu wanataka kufumba macho ili bora tuingie tu kwenye political federation na multiple nationality. Naomba tutafakari manufaa au madhara ya proposal hizo. Hasa mbili za kwanza maana yote yanawezakana yakatokea in future kwa siasa za Tanzania ambazo hazikosi surprise. 


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